smart building

BUILDINGS WITH integrated systems & data To Optimize Building Operations

We improve the most topsy-turvy infrastructure with our latest IoT integration solution to allow access to the BMS for all buildings occupants and optimised building operations.

Big buildings require numerous independent systems to operate efficiently for its smooth functioning. We iron out the associated complexity with valuable reporting and analysis for a custom-made solution for managing a building perfectly, thereby making remote building management possible.

WE specialise IN…

We provide buildings with a BMS with no technical complexity. Having a quick access to BMS data enables businesses deliver higher employee efficiency, enhanced building occupancy ease, and considerably reduced energy and carbon footprint of the building.

Control a building’s HVAC
Manage energy consumption
real-time  monitoring of building’s operations and performance
Schedule operations
Fault Management and alarm systems
Data Reporting & Analysis

WITH SANSQUARE YOU create buildings THAT…


With BMS save 30% of the building’s energy consumption, in bills. We design solutions for BMS infrastructure in such a way so that any building can benefit from the same.


We implement solution that fixes BMS contingencies which cause inhabitants’ discomfort over thermostat control. Flexible and affordable BMS solutions means customers satisfaction.


Designed in a way that enhances and initiates efficiency in sustainability, operations, safety and health, and living experience with integrated functionality.